Entanglement and Quantum Computing Theory (EntaQCT)
• Atominstitut TU Wien •
We are the Entanglement and Quantum Computing Theory (EntaQCT) group at the Institute for Atomic and Subatomic Physics (Atominstitut) of TU Wien, where we are part of the research area Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.
On the side of quantum information theory, our research focuses mainly on the detection, characterization, and certification of entanglement in high-dimensional and multipartite quantum systems of finite and infinite dimensions. Entanglement is a form of correlation only quantum systems can exhibit, and represents an important resource for quantum communication, quantum computation, and quantum-enhanced sensing.
On the side of quantum computing theory, we are interested in understanding how the boundaries of current and future technology can be pushed, in particular, in the realm of quantum error correction. At the same time, we are exploring approaches to modular quantum computing and quantum sensing based on black-box subroutines.
In parallel, we are keenly interested in foundational questions of quantum metrology located at the boundary of quantum information, quantum statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and quantum optics to study fundamental limitations on the control, preparation, and measurement of quantum systems, and to characterize and quantify the resources required for these tasks.
Our work is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education via the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), as well as by the John Templeton Foundation.