Santiago Bustamante
English: I am currently finishing my MSc degree in the area of quantum measurement and information theory at the University of Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia) with the Atomic and Molecular Physics Group (GFAM). More specifically, my work, titled “On the local distinguishability of three finite photon ensembles with identical compressed density operators”, studies and tackles the problem of discriminating three mixed states in very high-dimensional Hilbert spaces (corresponding to an even number of photon polarization qubits) while being constrained to only local measurements. This is a problem inspired by an exercise posed by Asher Peres in his book Quantum theory: concepts and methods, and I believe has potential applications in quantum communications and cryptography due to the particular structure of the three mixed states under consideration.
I am joining the Theoretical Quantum Optics (TQO) group under the supervision of Elizabeth Agudelo for a research internship, in hopes of finding new insights and perspectives on my research. I look forward to meet other group members, learn about their research work and improve my own through meaningful scientific discussion during my internship.
Despite currently working in quantum optics from a purely theoretical standpoint, I am still very passionate about what can be done experimentally given my previous experience in experimental and numerical optics as an undergraduate (specifically in the area of digital and computer-generated holography), during which I learnt that I love working in optics labs, manipulating light sources, waveplates, polarizers, etc. I hope my experience in classical and quantum optics from both the theoretical and experimental standpoints can contribute to the TQO group.