QuIT in the Media
QuITters are popular people! Here’s a list of media appearances by QuIT members talking about our work, and a collection of articles, videos, blog posts etc. that are either about our research, or that members of the team were involved in making
About Our Work
18/09/23: QuIT PhD student Jake Xuereb is interviewed on the insideQuantum podcast by podcaster Steven Thomson, where they discuss Jake’s work on quantum thermodynamics, and his unique journey through academia
10/09/23: QuIT postdoc Tom Rivlin writes for Caltech’s Quantum Frontiers blog about the work he and the team are doing on the thermodynamics of quantum measurements
29/03/23: Group leader Marcus Huber is interviewed by science journalist Miriam Frankel on the question of whether objective reality is real, as part of the “Great Mysteries of Physics” podcast produced by The Conversation and FQxI
30/05/23: The Austrian Science Fund (FWF)’s magazine, SciLog, writes about the group’s work in quantum thermodynamics and the “quantum steam engine” (also available auf Deutsch)
03/04/23: TU Wien writes a press release promoting the group’s groundbreaking new publication about the thermodynamic cost of cooling quantum systems (also available auf Deutsch)
07/02/23: Trinity College Dublin produces a press release announcing the beginning of the “Emergence Of Objective Reality: From Qubit To Oscilloscope” grant from the John Templeton Foundation, and the kick-off meeting hosted by the group in Vienna to mark this occasion
10/03/23: the FQxI YouTube channel produces a short documentary featuring group leader Marcus Huber about quantum machines
22/08/24: The magazine Austria Innovativ interviews QuITter Nico Friis, PI of the EnTaQCT subgroup on work done by his group towards High Performance Quantum Computing, A project financed by FFG.
01/08/19: IQOQI Vienna produces a video featuring then-PhD student Veronika Baumann about her work in quantum foundations
31/08/21: Award-winning science journalist Natalie Wolchover interviews the QuiTters working on the thermodynamics of timekeeping for an article in the esteemed Quanta Magazine
14/11/23: QuITters Jake Xuereb and Marcus Huber are interviewed by the IEEE’s Spectrum magazine for their recent paper on imperfect timekeeping
02/11/23: A number of QuITters make appearances in a YouTube video produced by the Foundational Questions Institute during a conference in Obergurgl in 2023 on the subject of “Information as Fuel”
28/11/23: QuITters Florian Meier, Paul Erker, Emanuel Schwarzhans and Marcus Huber are interviewed by New Scientist on their recent work on fundamental limitations to clock accuracy and precision. Also see the non-paywalled press releases on phys.org, and tuwien.at, additionally covering the related work by Xuereb et al.
Other Media & Press
QuIT postdoc Tom Rivlin is a regular contributor to the YouTube channel SciShow, having worked as a freelance scriptwriter with them since 2018 on a variety of topics in quantum physics and beyond
09/10/23: Quit postdoc Maximilian P.E. Lock writes an article for the European Parliament’s trade magazine about the global race for nuclear technologies in space
03/09/19: IQOQI Vienna uploads a talk by Marcus Huber about his work on the open-access journal Quantum
14/04/2023: QuITter Phila Rembold wins the science communication organisation Science Melting Pot’s Quantum Challenge 2023 award for her explanation of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.