Quantum Foundations and Cryptography
• Atominstitut TU Wien •
Here you find links and information about outreach content developed by members of the group:
Podcast O Q Quântico (in Portuguese):
The podcast about quantum theory that confronts misinformation and turns mysticism into a gateway to science.
A quick search for the word ‘quantum’ on Google can bring up search results that have nothing to do with science, but which claim to be scientific. Misinformation is gaining more and more space, especially on networks like Instagram and YouTube. It is a universe that places scientific terms without any basis in products such as florals, salts, mattresses and bracelets, all “quantum”. This scenario is disturbing because it affects people’s physical, mental and financial health.
Furthermore, we are currently going through a new technological revolution brought about by the understanding of quantum theory. Recent advances in the development of quantum computers, sensors and media attract large public and private investments. And this arouses the curiosity of the lay public, who only know a few catchphrases and the reputation that quantum is a “theory that no one understands”.
The O Q Quântico podcast makes use of quantum mysticism as a gateway to scientific debate. We interviewed researchers in physics, mathematics, philosophy and communication to better understand these topics that have a quantum touch. In 7 episodes, we will guide the listener through the main concepts of quantum theory, bringing science to confront misinformation.
O Q Quântico is produced within public universities and is supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the ML4Q Cluster of Excellence. It is also supported by the UniFM radio station at the Federal University of Santa Maria and Heinrich- Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
The podcast is presented in Portuguese, but the translation of the transcripts to English is available on the podcast’s website. You can also find further information in English on the ML4Q website.
Unsere Forschung im Dialog|Quantum Cryptography:
Check out this video, where, together with colleagues and the ML4Q, we try to explain our recent findings on Quantum Cryptography in four levels of difficulty!
Playing cards with quantum entanglement:
Blog post for Bits of Quantum - A blog by QuTech.